The statesman of physiotherapy in Warrnambool! From his father, John, Warrnambool’s first physiotherapist, the passion of keeping people moving was handed down to Tony and his brother Paul. Both became Physios and worked in the era where physio really moved forward as a profession. Tony has played high level football, returning to Warrnambool as a recruit at WFC, the longevity of his amazing career cut short by knee injuries. At a time when physiotherapy was growing, Tony completed his manipulative physiotherapy post graduate studies, taught and supervised many students and spent some time as president of the manipulative physiotherapists association of Victoria. A long standing Essendon supporter, a long suffering golfer and a passionate community advocate through rotary and standing tall to say the least.
Experience speaks volumes, and Tony’s ongoing dedication to getting people moving after all these years is invaluable to our practice and our community.